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Celebrating ABS Wavesight's One Year Anniversary. Learn more!


My Digital Fleet 

Compliance. Performance. Confidence.

a cargo container ship from directly aloft moving into deeper water being approached by smaller vessel.

My Digital Fleet Software Capabilities

Quantify Risk in Real Time

Combine comprehensive operational data with environmental, class and regulatory insights from ABS to quantify risk and make decisions with confidence.

Improve Data Quality

Establish a foundation for monitoring and understanding the source data quality being provided by vessels across a fleet.

Decarbonize Your Fleet

Track, monitor and forecast key regulatory and sustainability KPIs across a fleet to understand your cost of compliance and inform decarbonization strategies. 

Optimize Performance

Understand the impact of hull and propeller conditions on vessel propulsion efficiency to empower timely operational and maintenance decisions.


My digital fleet is the flagship fleet performance software from ABS Wavesight, providing real-time data-driven insights to support regulatory compliance improve fleet efficiency, reduce operational costs and meet fleet decarbonization goals. 


Through the Dashboard, you gain fleet-wide operational visibility into environmental and performance indicators, powering quick understanding of current operations to support rapid decision-making. 

Learn More

My digital fleet is the flagship fleet performance software from ABS Wavesight, providing real-time data-driven insights to support regulatory compliance improve fleet efficiency, reduce operational costs and meet fleet decarbonization goals. 


Through the Dashboard, you gain fleet-wide operational visibility into environmental and performance indicators, powering quick understanding of current operations to support rapid decision-making. 

Learn More

Related Resources

Webinar: The New Shipping Dilemma

ABS Wavesight and Sofar Ocean discuss current industry challenges and how to stay profitable in a carbon-neutral future.

Webinar: Combination of Environmental and Marine Vessel Data to Support Decarbonization

ABS Wavesight and Meteomatics discuss how data can help solve one of maritime shipping’s biggest challenges.

Infographic: My Digital Fleet

See how ABS Wavesight’s newest fleet management software, My Digital Fleet, can optimize your onboard operations.

Brochure: My Digital Fleet

Learn the key features of the only configurable risk management platform for driving sustainable operations and reducing operational risks.

Want to Learn More About My Digital Fleet?

Rooted in its strong connection to ABS, My Digital Fleet (MDF) is powerful and secure fleet performance software that combines comprehensive operational data with environmental, class and regulatory insights from ABS to quantify risk and make decisions with confidence. Enhance operational efficiency, achieve fleet decarbonization goals, and streamline compliance - all within one platform.

Connect with an ABS Wavesight specialist today to explore how My Digital Fleet can transform your fleet performance by filling out this form.

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